Thursday, October 30, 2008

Penta Takes On BizBash Expo

Yesterday, October 29,2008, the ladies at Penta Events had the opportunity to attend the annual BizBash Event Style Expo at the Javits Center. Two of the interns had the chance to go to the educational sessions in the morning where they learned about marketing events better. However, the fun began when we all met up on the tradeshow floor. There were over 300 exhibitors present and it took us a few hours to make the rounds. Next time we go to this expo, we will surely come hungry. Most catering booths had free samples of their delicious specialty and other booths had candy or wine. Some of our favorites included Dale and Thomas Popcorn, where they handed out bags of amazing popcorn, Godiva Chocolate, Winefellows, SParty, and New York Photobooth, where we took a very cute picture.

We learned about the future of event planning and how to take something ordinary and make it extraordinary at the afternoon session. All in all, the day was filled with excitement and Penta walked away with great contacts and lots of ideas for future events. Penta is ready to plan your next event!

Penta-Your Event Planning Solution

Monday, October 27, 2008

Top 10 Last Minute Halloween Costumes

Don't let Halloween sneak up on you! If you want a unique costume but are stuck for ideas, Penta is here to help. We came up with our 10 favorite fast, simple, and inexpensive Halloween costume ideas…

1. Twister board
This easy to do costume involves buying the game twister and making a dress out of the game board. You can Velcro it together at the back and pin it so it stays tight. All night you can ask people to spin the wheel that comes with the board and see if they can play the game on you. You can be as creative as you want with your outfit; accessorize with your shoes, earrings, and bag. It’s a cute and inexpensive way to have a few laughs.

2. Chick Magnet
The easiest way to do this is to wear an all black shirt and buy peeps or rubber chicks and glue them to the shirt. Simple as that- you’re a chick magnet!

3. Amy Winehouse
Anyone can do this costume, it’s quite effortless actually. All you need is a lot of hairspray and eyeliner. Just wear your hair in a beehive, some old raggedy clothing, and millions of fake tattoos; you don’t even need to wear shoes. Everyone will surely recognize you as Amy Winehouse.

4. American Tourist
Probably one of the easiest costumes to pull together, just think of your most embarrassing relative on that last family vacation and dress up as them! Wear a Hawaiian shirt, shorts, socks and sandals, maybe even a straw hat and don’t forget your fanny pack, the camera around your neck and a map. If you want to be a little more creative use makeup and give yourself a bad sunburn.

5. Ugly Betty
Take out all the bright clothing in your closet and piece it together to make an Ugly Betty costume. Use eyeliner to fill in your brows and get a cheap pair of glasses to add to the look. This is the one night you can try to look ugly and get away with it.

6. Static
Going as static can be tough because everyone might cling to you! Wear a solid color and safety pin socks, underwear, dryer sheets, and anything else you can think of to you. It is also a good idea to wear your hair messed up.

7. Cereal Killer
If you have the supplies this is a really quick costume to put together. All you need is little cereal boxes pinned or taped to you, cut slits down the middle and glue plastic knives on top, you can drip red paint down from the slits. Make it your own by adding an empty milk carton somewhere or use a bowl as a hat.

8. Kissing Booth
Write “Kisses only $1” on your shirt and use a cardboard box and cut out a “booth” for your head. You might actually make some money on Halloween with this costume!

9. Ketchup & Mustard
If you and your friend want to do something together that’s easy and inexpensive, this is it! One of you dress in all red and write ketchup on your shirt, one of you dress in all yellow and write mustard on your shirt. This is very simple and costs almost nothing.

10. Partly cloudy with a chance of rain
Get a cheap pair of doctor’s scrubs and glue cotton balls all over them. Bring a squirt gun out with you and there you have it! So simple yet so original!

Happy Halloween from the ladies at Penta Events- Your Event Planning Solutions

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Mini Dance Lesson

Penta Dynamic Solutions can ensure you have an unforgettable event; however, dancing at that event is not something that Penta typically helps out with…until now.
Amazing intern Katie teaches how to learn to dance in under a minute-
“Spell your name in cursive with your hips”

That’s right! Put your hands on your hips, turn on your favorite song & start spelling!

You will be dancing along to any music in no time. Thanks Katie!
Penta – your every event solution!!

Penta Happy Hour

Last night the lovely ladies of Penta enjoyed a few cocktails at Mad Dog and Beans on Stone Street. This was the first time all six of us could do happy hour and we definitely had a lot to talk about from Michele’s wedding, relationships, to living to New York City.

It’s always a good time when we’re all get together!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Golf Outing A Success!

On October 6, 2008 Penta Cares Second Annual Golf Outing took place at Lido Beach Golf Course. I had the opportunity to run the 50/50 with my colleague, Jodie, on hole 17. Barefoot Wines shared this hole with us and it was a riot watching the golfer golf barefoot for a prize. The sun even came out to support the golf outing, which was great because it could have been a rainy and cold day! I had a fabulous time getting to know the wide array of golfers there and heard only good things from everyone at the event.

The evening entertainment kicked-off with a cocktail reception featuring a performance the Knicks City Dancers and music by NYU entertainment. Guests enjoyed a fabulous dinner with wine sponsored by Barefoot Wine. Following dinner, comedian Jeremy Schetcher gave a hilarious performance. I have been involved in charity events before but never have I seen a group enjoy themselves like this. Almost everyone was on the dance floor by the end of the night, including myself. The DJ, NYU entertainment, was wonderful and played a great selection of music for all ages to enjoy. We also had a phenomenal photographer, Ryan Mekenian, who took some great shots of the event. For more event photos you can visit:

Before dinner, this year’s honoree 6 year old Nicole Sciarrino spoke. I know I was brought to tears when she talked about the struggles she faces with diabetes. It was great to see this little girl have so much life in her, it made every hour spent putting the golf outing together worth it.

At any charity event the raffle and auction prizes bring in extra money to help support the cause. Thanks to the community and help of others, Penta had over 50 raffle prizes donated. The guests were very impressed with the prizes available to them. We were happy with how the auction and raffle turned out and the amount of raffle tickets sold.

Being new to Penta and New York City, I was pleasantly surprised with how much money was raised to support this amazing cause. In this economy it was hard to tell if Penta could have made any money for the American Diabetes Association, let alone the $36,000 that we raised. Michele and Christina worked very hard to make this event possible and it was a huge success.

Katie Kent

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Swing Into The Good Life!

Last Wednesday we helped run the American Diabetes Association’s “Live the Good Life” Silent Auction to help raise funds for diabetes research, education, and advocacy.

The auction, sponsored by Weil, Gotshal and Manges at their amazing offices on Fifth Avenue, included over fifty items ranging from beautiful jewelry to a Sonoma Wine Extravaganza package, autographed pictures from Derek Jeter, Michael Phelps and Eli Manning, a NASCAR Racing package and a 2008 NFL Pro Bowl autographed football.

Despite the Wall Street crisis and the problems at Lehman Brothers, over 75 people came out to support the auction and helped to raise $3,500 for the ADA. Guests enjoyed catered food and complimentary drinks. The event was nicely organized and everyone in attendance had a lovely evening.

The auction is one of two wrap around events Penta is helping organizing to raise money for this important charity and leading up to the “Live the Good Life” Gala at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel on November 6th. The second event is the Penta Cares Second Annual Charity Golf Outing at Lido Golf Club in Long Island on October 6th. The event will include an 11am shotgun start followed by a cocktail hour and a dinner reception with awards, raffles, silent auction, and a performance by the Knicks City Dancers!

If you are interested in playing in the Golf Outing please register at