Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Golf Outing A Success!

On October 6, 2008 Penta Cares Second Annual Golf Outing took place at Lido Beach Golf Course. I had the opportunity to run the 50/50 with my colleague, Jodie, on hole 17. Barefoot Wines shared this hole with us and it was a riot watching the golfer golf barefoot for a prize. The sun even came out to support the golf outing, which was great because it could have been a rainy and cold day! I had a fabulous time getting to know the wide array of golfers there and heard only good things from everyone at the event.

The evening entertainment kicked-off with a cocktail reception featuring a performance the Knicks City Dancers and music by NYU entertainment. Guests enjoyed a fabulous dinner with wine sponsored by Barefoot Wine. Following dinner, comedian Jeremy Schetcher gave a hilarious performance. I have been involved in charity events before but never have I seen a group enjoy themselves like this. Almost everyone was on the dance floor by the end of the night, including myself. The DJ, NYU entertainment, was wonderful and played a great selection of music for all ages to enjoy. We also had a phenomenal photographer, Ryan Mekenian, who took some great shots of the event. For more event photos you can visit: http://picasaweb.google.com/Pentaevents

Before dinner, this year’s honoree 6 year old Nicole Sciarrino spoke. I know I was brought to tears when she talked about the struggles she faces with diabetes. It was great to see this little girl have so much life in her, it made every hour spent putting the golf outing together worth it.

At any charity event the raffle and auction prizes bring in extra money to help support the cause. Thanks to the community and help of others, Penta had over 50 raffle prizes donated. The guests were very impressed with the prizes available to them. We were happy with how the auction and raffle turned out and the amount of raffle tickets sold.

Being new to Penta and New York City, I was pleasantly surprised with how much money was raised to support this amazing cause. In this economy it was hard to tell if Penta could have made any money for the American Diabetes Association, let alone the $36,000 that we raised. Michele and Christina worked very hard to make this event possible and it was a huge success.

Katie Kent