Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Biggest Thanksgiving Entertaining Mistakes

Happy Thanksgiving

Penta wants to make sure you have an unforgettable, in a good way, Thanksgiving. We complied a list of some of the common mistakes people make when hosting a Thanksgiving get together.

1- Not defrosting your turkey/ not having your turkey prepared in time
Don't let a Thanksgiving horror story happen to you. Defrosting a 20-pound bird would be around 10 hours. Also, cook the turkey for the full time, which means you need to start cooking it early. You don’t want hungry guests.

2- Drinking to much to early
Don’t be that houseguest who has one to many glasses of wine before they even serve dinner. Pace yourself and you won’t regret it.

3- Forgetting an important ingredient
Double-check and recheck your list at the grocery store. Remember most places close on thanksgiving so if you forget to buy something you are in trouble. Also, remember all ingredients in your recipes. You don’t want to be remembered as the one who forgot to put the sugar in the pie.

4- Bringing up politics and religion after dinner
This is generally a rule of thumb for any get together. However, it’s Thanksgiving, talk about things you’re thankful for instead!

5- Not allowing yourself enough time to get ready
In the mist of setting up everything for your guest you may forget about yourself. Allow time for you to get ready and look your best.

Penta wishes you a safe and happy turkey day!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Penta Says Farewell To Fall Interns

Last night Penta said farewell to our fall interns, Sarah, Katie and Jodie. Sarah has been with Penta since the summer; Katie and Jodie joined the team in early September.

We decided to get drinks down on Stone Street and there we talked about what is ahead for these three young ladies. Whatever paths they take we know they will do wonderful and Penta wishes them all well!

All the blondes and Michele!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Things To Do With Your Family In NYC

Recently my mom came to visit me here in the city and I needed to find some cost effective and entertaining things to do. Then, Jodie informed me that her in laws were coming over from England so the two of us decided to compile a list of ideas for the best things to do with your family!

Here are some inexpensive and fun options:

1. Staten Island Ferry- FREE! That’s the best thing about this ferry, it’s free! However, the other benefits are that it runs regularly and provides one of the best views of lower Manhattan and the statue of liberty. There are also inexpensive alcoholic beverages and snack food for you to enjoy.

2. Shopping in Herald Square- Even if you are on a budget, Herald Square is a great place for window-shopping. Macy’s is located on 34th street and is a must see for people visiting New York.

3. Broadway Show- You might think that this would be expensive but if you play your cards right you can find a bargain. There is a booth in the center of Times Square called TKTS where you can get discounted tickets for later that day.

4. Central Park- Even in this cold weather, central park is a beautiful place to visit. You can pack a lunch and spend the day exploring. It is easy to get lost in the park but it is worth it.

5. The Metropolitan Museum of Art- If you family is into art or history, visiting the museum is a must. The Met is donation only and you can give whatever amount you see fit. There is also a spectacular view of Manhattan from the roof bar but drinks are a little pricey.

6.FAO Schwartz- This is the famous toyshop from Big and the infamous piano is found on the top floor. You can definitely spend some time here dressing Barbie dolls, acting like Harry Potter, and eating lots of candy. This is a fun and free activity to do.

7.Bryant Park- There is always something to do in Bryant Park and right now the ice skating rink is open and they offer free training lessons. I love the New York Public library that is on the edge of the park and recommend it to everyone.

8.Top of the Rock Observation Deck- Jodie believes this is the best view of Manhattan and s taking her in laws there tomorrow. There is a fee of $20.00 but spend the money to see the view on the top of the Rockefeller Center.

9. Comedy Club- If you are in need of a good laugh after spending all day with family, go to a comedy club. The intimate setting gives it a personal feel. There are several comedy clubs and if you go online before hand you can reserve seats and get cheaper tickets.

10. Hot Dog in Times Square- Since everyone will want to see Times Square and everyone will need to try a hot dog from a street vendor, we figured we would put them together. ENJOY!

We hope this helps you next time your family is coming to visit!

Katie & Jodie

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Reasons to Use an Event Planner

Yesterday I had a prospective client tell me that her boss doesn’t want to use an event planner. After researching the company’s event and presenting her with ideas, I could tell she felt bad about the situation. She mentioned that she was going to try to talk him into using us. As an event strategist, I want to inform our readers why they should indeed use an event planner.

Reasons why to use an event planner:

1. We can save you time and money. Penta is staffed with a team of professional event planners who have spent many years in the industry perfecting their trade. Since time is money, the typical 20% commission we charge is well worth the investment when looked at from an analytical viewpoint. Once we evaluate your needs and budget, we formulate a plan to get the job done right, meeting all of your needs, and sticking within budget.

2. Again, we can save you money. Penta has built effective relationships with venues and suppliers throughout the US giving us the ability to negotiate the best price possible. We also have access to exclusive discounts and repeat deals.

3. Through years of experience in the event industry and plenty of research, Penta has wealth of knowledge in creative concept planning. We stay on top of innovative trends which enable us to help you ‘wow’ your guests. We promise to provide a memorable experience like no other that your guests will remember for years to come.

4. We manage all aspects of the event from start to finish and everything that happens in between. This includes determining objectives, writing proposals, securing permits, negotiating contracts, developing timelines, scouting venues, selecting menus, designing décor, and hiring entertainment. We get the job done taking your needs and wants into consideration throughout the process. You can be as involved or uninvolved as you want throughout the process.

5. During the event we are there to mange and trouble-shoot any problems that may arise and the majority of the time you’ll never even know that there were any problems. Think of use as your event insurance.

6. Experience – event planning is our expertise! Ask us for references or check out our testimonials at:

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Election Night 2008

Despite the fact that I’m English I’ve been really interested in following the US Presidential Election this year – even more so since moving to New York in September - and so I was excited last night to watch the results roll in and share in a piece of history being made.

All of New York seemed to be buzzing last night –especially the bars around the East Village which were so busy by 9.00pm that we couldn’t even get into some of them! Eventually though we managed to find space at Puck Fair on Lafayette Street where we could watch the results and enjoy a few drinks too.

Everywhere we looked were big groups of people, shouting or cheering at the TV screens. I love the way that people in New York managed to turn something as simple as watching the election results into a memorable event they could share with friends and colleagues. It just goes to show that you never know where your next event idea may come from!

Don’t forget that Penta can help you plan your next event, whether it’s a post election party, holiday party or corporate event.

Penta – your event planning solution.


Today one of the interns turned 23 and we celebrated like we always do, with Crumbs. It is by far the best cupcake shop I have ever been to. Crumbs has turned into a Penta tradition on birthdays and I wish every week we had a birthday. Penta is lucky enough to have a Crumbs located right across the street or in my case unlucky because of the calories I am gaining.

Happy Birthday Sarah! Enjoy those cupcakes!

check it out!