Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Biggest Thanksgiving Entertaining Mistakes

Happy Thanksgiving

Penta wants to make sure you have an unforgettable, in a good way, Thanksgiving. We complied a list of some of the common mistakes people make when hosting a Thanksgiving get together.

1- Not defrosting your turkey/ not having your turkey prepared in time
Don't let a Thanksgiving horror story happen to you. Defrosting a 20-pound bird would be around 10 hours. Also, cook the turkey for the full time, which means you need to start cooking it early. You don’t want hungry guests.

2- Drinking to much to early
Don’t be that houseguest who has one to many glasses of wine before they even serve dinner. Pace yourself and you won’t regret it.

3- Forgetting an important ingredient
Double-check and recheck your list at the grocery store. Remember most places close on thanksgiving so if you forget to buy something you are in trouble. Also, remember all ingredients in your recipes. You don’t want to be remembered as the one who forgot to put the sugar in the pie.

4- Bringing up politics and religion after dinner
This is generally a rule of thumb for any get together. However, it’s Thanksgiving, talk about things you’re thankful for instead!

5- Not allowing yourself enough time to get ready
In the mist of setting up everything for your guest you may forget about yourself. Allow time for you to get ready and look your best.

Penta wishes you a safe and happy turkey day!