Monday, September 15, 2008

Midwest girl comes to intern at Penta!

I came to New York City in 2003 to cheer in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade and fell in love with this city. I knew then that I wanted to move to NYC after college and I looked forward to the day I could do that. Well, it’s that day! I am here! Coming from Springfield, Illinois, New York is like a different world. New York has so much life and opportunity for people. I am really excited, nervous, anxious, pretty much every emotion about moving to NYC.

I found Penta Events on, a website devoted to helping you plan your party, when I interviewed with Michelle and Christina I actually had mono. I was not sure if they could understand what I said since my throat was so sore but I ended up getting the internship. My excitement about moving to NYC shortly turned into panic. I had no clue what I was getting into when it came to looking for apartments.

My friends from camp, I work at a summer camp in upstate NY, told me not to worry I could find a place on criagslist. I started my search for a place in April. I am still homeless! Thankfully I can stay with friends until I find something. Craigslist is the new facebook for me. My whole problem is I can not commit to a long term lease, who knows where I will be in three months. I just hope that something goes my way soon!!!

Another simple thing that I forgot how to do was make friends. Yes, it’s true, I forgot! I always had a group of friends I ran around with in Illinois. If I ever did something new, one of them did it with me. In college I quickly joined a sorority and made friends through that and then when I started working at camp I was practically forced to make friends fast because you work, eat, and sleep with the same people. I have always considered myself outgoing but now that I am here I am finding it extremely difficult to make new friends, especially with girls. It’s not like you can just go up to a group of girls and say “want to hang out.” I know with time I will meet people who I can call up to do things but until then I’ll just craigslist apartments.

I really wanted to experience NYC in the eyes of a true New Yorker, but that is hard to do when you are constantly getting lost. I feel like such an idiot when I’m walking around aimlessly looking for a street that I might recognize. On my second day of work, a commute that should have taken 10 minutes ended up taking 45 because I had no clue what I was doing. I even used the GPS on my phone, still got lost! I totally try to act like I know where I am going but everyone knows I don’t.

When I finally figure out the subway system I want to see as much as I can while I am here and I’ve starting researching all the touristy stuff to do on the weekends. I just need a place to live in the Manhattan and friends and I’ll be set! I really think NYC is going to allow me to grow as an event planner and as a person. Penta is such an amazing company to work for, Michelle and Christina really do a fabulous job with event coordinating and it is obvious they are ready to take their business to the next level. I know I am going to learn so much for this internship and this city!