Monday, December 15, 2008

‘Twas The Week Before The Holidays

When I was 10 years old I won a poetry contest and my poem was published. Since then my poetry writing has been nonexistent…until now. I decided to take out my poetry skills, dust them off and prepare something special for this year’s Holiday season. I hope you enjoy this literary effort.

‘Twas The Week Before The Holidays

‘Twas the week before the holidays, when all through the workplace
Every creature was stirring, with a smile on their face.
The Penta girls were assisting clients with care,
In hopes their events would cause bystanders to stop and stare.

Even at night, when the girls are nestled all snug at their beds,
Visions of decorations and Holiday cocktails dance in their heads.
At work with their blackberries and paper and pencil,
They settled their brains to talk decorating with garland or tinsel.

Any event, personal or corporate,
Choosing Penta to plan is a sure fit.
Thinking cost-effectively in this crazy economy,
Penta considers every event’s autonomy.

Then on the phone there arose such a clatter,
No worry of the problem, Penta can solve the matter.
Away to the dilemma they flew like a flash,
The clients never knew and it was a successful bash.

Their eyes-how they twinkle! Their dimples so merry!
The clients’ walk into the event, no longer are they wary.
The decorations, treats and entertainment were fantastic!
A couple drinks down the hatch and the crowd was enthusiastic.

Laughing and singing to Holiday tunes we all know,
You would think they were Santa’s elves dancing in the snow.
Penta watches from afar and surveys their work of art,
All the crowd’s smiles warm their heart.

With time running out and Holiday parties to plan,
The team can’t lose their attention span.
Strange desires from clients and last minute requests,
Penta does the work so you don’t have to stress.

As you remember the good times as this year ends,
Have fun at your parties with your family and friends.
Good luck with your New Years Resolutions,
Happy Holidays to you from Penta Dynamic Solutions!

---Emily Ohnstad