Thursday, July 10, 2008

Going Green

By Erica Finkelstein

“From everyday collection to environmental protection, Think Green”. It can be agreed that this motto of Waste Management has going green in the back of everyone’s minds these days. For instance, the bottle of Poland Spring water on my desk right now has a new look and feel to it. The company redesigned it using an average of 30% less plastic in order for it to be easier on the environment.

The event planning industry has joined in with these efforts to become environmentally friendly.

The Association for Green Meeting & Events will launch the first-ever program for Certification in Green Meetings and Events this August in Long Beach, California. The company intends to help people plan socially and environmentally successful events, reports Michael O’Connell of BizBash.

AGME explains that green meetings are performed in ways to reduce the environmental burdens imposed by such activities.

Recently, Penta Dynamic Solutions helped the Contingency Planning Exchange (CPE) go green at its last meeting. We made all information accessible to the members via the internet instead of handing out hard copies. By doing so, we saved some trees!

Going green is really simple; to start take baby steps.

Ten Easy Ways to Go Green Today
  1. Use a mug for your morning coffee or tea
  2. Turn off the lights when you're leaving any room for 15 minutes or more and make use of natural light when you can
  3. Try to make it a habit to always turn off your computer when you are not using it. Also, setting your computer to go to sleep automatically during short breaks can cut energy use by 70 percent
  4. Print on both sides and use the back side of old documents for faxes, scrap paper, or drafts
  6. Brighten up your cubicle with plants, which absorb indoor pollution
  7. Make it a habit to take the train, bus, or subway when feasible instead of a rental car when traveling on business
  8. Purchase office supplies and furniture made from recycled materials
  9. Make the internet your primary means of communication
  10. Refill ink cartridges instead of buying new ones each time they run out

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