Thursday, December 18, 2008

Snow in the City: A Southerner's Story

Although originally from Chicago, IL, I spent most of my life in Charlotte, NC and went to college in Columbia, SC. I argue with anyone who calls me a southerner because I am lacking a southern accent and an endless collection of Vera Bradley and Lilly Pulitzer dresses. Just as I start to think my recent move to the north was easy and I blended in, I look out the window of a bar, break from the crowd, and run outside screaming “It’s Snowing!!!” Duh! It’s New York City in December.
Don’t get me wrong, I have seen snow before but it has been a long time since. In the Carolinas it doesn’t really snow, it ices. Rain falls, or maybe really wet snow, and school is cancelled. We all layer up and look ridiculous in mismatching layers and play in the ice. Sure, one or two neighbors have sleighs that we dust off and share, but it is more painful and colder that we thought. Within an hour or so we are all inside sipping hot chocolate by the fire. In New York, most people know how to dress for the cold weather. Where I would just grab the warmest thing I own and look like a caterpillar in a cocoon, New Yorkers are stylish in their hats, scarves, coats, and tall boots.
I hope to evolve into the fashionable New York winter wear scene. Thankfully, I do love to shop so adding to my wardrobe will not be a problem. I am looking forward to going home for the holidays and showing off my new style but being that it is 65 degrees in my hometown today, I think I will be right back to my old ways in no time. I will always appreciate snowfall because it will remind me of this time of change in my life. I think from now on I will hold back the sudden urgency to broadcast the weather and scream "It's Snowing!" and replace it with a simple smile.


Monday, December 15, 2008

‘Twas The Week Before The Holidays

When I was 10 years old I won a poetry contest and my poem was published. Since then my poetry writing has been nonexistent…until now. I decided to take out my poetry skills, dust them off and prepare something special for this year’s Holiday season. I hope you enjoy this literary effort.

‘Twas The Week Before The Holidays

‘Twas the week before the holidays, when all through the workplace
Every creature was stirring, with a smile on their face.
The Penta girls were assisting clients with care,
In hopes their events would cause bystanders to stop and stare.

Even at night, when the girls are nestled all snug at their beds,
Visions of decorations and Holiday cocktails dance in their heads.
At work with their blackberries and paper and pencil,
They settled their brains to talk decorating with garland or tinsel.

Any event, personal or corporate,
Choosing Penta to plan is a sure fit.
Thinking cost-effectively in this crazy economy,
Penta considers every event’s autonomy.

Then on the phone there arose such a clatter,
No worry of the problem, Penta can solve the matter.
Away to the dilemma they flew like a flash,
The clients never knew and it was a successful bash.

Their eyes-how they twinkle! Their dimples so merry!
The clients’ walk into the event, no longer are they wary.
The decorations, treats and entertainment were fantastic!
A couple drinks down the hatch and the crowd was enthusiastic.

Laughing and singing to Holiday tunes we all know,
You would think they were Santa’s elves dancing in the snow.
Penta watches from afar and surveys their work of art,
All the crowd’s smiles warm their heart.

With time running out and Holiday parties to plan,
The team can’t lose their attention span.
Strange desires from clients and last minute requests,
Penta does the work so you don’t have to stress.

As you remember the good times as this year ends,
Have fun at your parties with your family and friends.
Good luck with your New Years Resolutions,
Happy Holidays to you from Penta Dynamic Solutions!

---Emily Ohnstad

Friday, December 12, 2008

Good and Bad Holiday Traditions

Another Christmas is almost here and it is time to decorate the tree, light the Menorah or the Kinara. I can almost taste the decorated sugar cookies and hear the holiday music favorites playing on a low volume serenading the scene. Then I remember the long lines at stores, rude shoppers, paper cuts from wrapping paper, the arduous task of bringing the decorations out of that black hole of an attic or basement. O! Please do not forget the inevitable family arguments. Good or bad, these are all the traditions that make the holiday season so memorable and family moments so loveable. Penta decided to share some of our personal favorite holiday traditions with you. Enjoy!

“We have a tradition in my family. Every year on the day after Thanksgiving, while many people are braving the long lines of Black Friday, my father and I lug the artificial Christmas tree up from the basement. We assemble the tree and then settle in for a long day involving the ceremonial shaping of the branches. For anyone who has ever tried to make an artificial tree look good, I'm sure you can commiserate with me. It takes us hours and just about the time when we can barely feel our fingers, in walks my mother. She stands from a distance, looks at the tree and says "Are you guys kidding? Can't you see the big hole in the middle of the tree? You have to step back and look at it from all angles." And the ceremonial shaping of the branches continues for several more hours.
As if the ceremonial shaping of the branches isn't tradition enough, we then move on to decorating the tree. When my brothers and I were young, my mother took beading classes and made these beautiful bells and angels. The ornaments are delicate and when we were little, we were instructed not to touch them – they were fondly referred to as the sacred beaded ornaments. Still, to this day, while my mother wants help to decorate the Christmas tree we are still not permitted to place the sacred beaded ornaments on the tree. We're also not really allowed to place any ornaments on the tree and we may not be accurate with our spacing. After hours and days of work, the tree finally becomes a complete work of art. Thank goodness the days of tinsel are finished because placing tinsel strand by strand used to add weeks to the process.
As crazy as they are, the traditions are fun and I wouldn't have it any other way!”
---Michele Verdino

Ever have the thought, “Can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.” This is one of those moments.

The night of Thanksgiving, a mall near my parents’ house has an annual tree lighting. Although it does not hold a candle to the Rockefeller tree lighting, it is a cheesy fun night with family and a chance to reunite with friends. Everyone wears Styrofoam antlers, drinks hot cider, and sings Christmas carols. For me, it is the official start of Christmas and I am happy to participate in such a lame celebration.
Another Holiday tradition that stands out in my mind is cooking the Christmas feast. My mother and I love to cook but professional chefs, we are not. Every year we experiment with different recipes, some delicious and some disastrous, but they are always fun to create. After dinner my family and friends typically sit around a campfire, roast marshmallows, drink wine and laugh about past Christmases. The night ends with the reading of “The Night Before Christmas” and then the wait for Santa begins. No matter how old I get I will always look forward to Santa’s gifts on Christmas morning.

---Emily Ohnstad

Happy Holidays From Penta—Your Event Planning Solution!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Gift Ideas For Those Hard To Buy For:

Ever have a friend or family member that is difficult to shop for? Penta wants to help find the perfect gift for anyone on your shopping list.

This being my first year in the ‘real world,’ out of college and in a job, I cannot wait to spend my hard earned money on my friends and family this holiday season. But, of course, there is always that one person I can never figure out what the perfect gift for them would be. I have found that a little creativity can go a long way. Through my past experiences I have created a list of great gift ideas that may help as you shop for the Holidays.

Personalized Apparel---My eighteen year old brother never knows what he wants for the holidays, unless it’s the latest and greatest expensive piece of technology. I know he loves hats and llamas. (Don’t ask!) Adding a personal touch to an everyday item is a classic way to spice up a gift. Online sites are available to personalize and item of clothing with a funny quote or photo that relates to the person you are looking to purchase a gift for. I purchased a hat with a picture of a llama on the front and it was my brother’s favorite gift of the year.

Personalized Stationary---Online sites are also available to personalize stationary. The day after Christmas, my brothers and I could not play with our new gifts until our thank you cards were completed. Decorative or monogrammed thank you notes, blank cards or stationary are a great way to provide a useful and personal gift.

Gift Basket---Sometimes the key to a great gift is a collection of a lot of small ones. After being invited to a Holiday party I put together a gift bag to show my appreciation for her hard work and planning. Prepare a gift basket with a bottle of wine, glasses, and a corkscrew or prepare a basket for the day after the event. This basket may include a good book, hot cocoa, and a calming CD to celebrate a morning after a busy night of hosting an event.

Date Night---Couples sometimes forget to take time out of their busy schedules and treat themselves to a date night. When researching a present for my boyfriend’s parents, I found out their favorite restaurant and a movie theatre in the same vicinity. I bought gift cards for dinner and movie.

Gifts don’t have to be expensive; they are more special when a wealth of creativity is used to find the perfect gift for that ‘hard to buy for’ friend or family member.

Happy Holidays!

---Emily Ohnstad

Friday, December 5, 2008

Goodbye to Penta (and New York!)

Having been here for 3 months now, my time in New York and as an intern at Penta is nearly over! I’m heading back to England next week and so before I go, I wanted to write a blog about my experience.

Although I planned events before, I’ve had an opportunity to work with my colleagues at Penta on really different kinds of events than those I was used to, particularly the Charity Golf Outing and the Live the Good Life Gala at the Waldorf Astoria in November which helped raise a huge amount for the American Diabetes Association.

Two of the other things I was most looking forward to experiencing before I came here were the Presidential election and my first Thanksgiving and they definitely lived up to my expectations! I’ve also loved seeing the holiday decorations go up all around the city and in the big stores and I even watched the Rockefeller Christmas Tree lighting on TV to get into the festive spirit.

Some things have proved to be more difficult than I thought though… It took me a while to remember to say “line” when I mean “queue” or “elevator” instead of “lift”, but I got there in the end. The other thing that I found difficult was the subway. My proudest moment came about two weeks into my stay when I managed to get on the right subway train on my own – without my husband telling me where to go!

So although I’m pleased to be going home to see my family and friends in time for the holidays, I feel sad that I’m leaving New York and my new friends at Penta. I’ve really loved my time here and I’m so grateful to Michele and Christina for offering me the chance to work with them and Emily, Katie and Sarah to experience a different side to the event planning industry.

New York really is the city of opportunity and I can’t wait to have the opportunity to come back!


Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Penta’s Tips on Going Green

Penta has been thinking of ways to make our office more environmentally friendly. With your help, we can all make a difference. We have compiled a list of ways to reduce your office’s carbon footprint.

  • Always turn off equipment when not in use. Remember to make sure the power is off on your computer and printer at the end of the day. Even turning off your screen when you are away from your desk can make a difference.

  • Bring green plants into the office as this can help reduce CO2 levels and absorb indoor pollution. It also helps to brightens up the office!

  • Change your light bulbs to low energy bulbs. Artificial lighting accounts for 44% of electricity use in the office. Energy Star rated light bulbs and fixtures use at least two thirds less energy than standard bulbs. Always remind the last person to leave the office to turn off the lights.

  • Bring your lunch to work? Plastic utensils are indestructible and sit in a landfill for years before they break down. Although efforts are being made to create a more biodegradable cutlery, such as ‘Spudware’ and dissolvable plastic, silverware brought from home is your best option. Remember the three R’s to Rinse, Reuse and Recycle.

  • Place recycle bins in high traffic areas to make paper products easier to recycle.

  • Make money by recycling! Some businesses offer cash for recycled ink cartridges and old cell phones.

  • Instead of bringing water bottles and disposable coffee cups into work, bring a washable mug or a cup from home. Bring a filtered water pitcher into the office for clean and delicious water.

    Penta- your event planning (and recycling) solution!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Favorite Holiday Cocktails

Holiday cocktails are a festive way to add spice to any holiday event. Whether you are planning a company party, hosting a few friends or celebrating with family, always remember the drink menu. Here our favorite holiday cocktails:

Sarah’s Pick: Mazeltov Hanukkah Cocktail

4 oz Blue Curacao
2 oz Vodka
6 oz ginger ale
1 oz lime juice
Top with lime peel

Katie’s Pick: Caramel Apple Pie-tini

1 ¾ oz Baileys with a hint of caramel
1/3 oz Smirnoff Twist- green apple vodka
1/3 oz Apple Sauce
Dash of Caramel Syrup

Jodie’s Pick: Christmas Cranberry

2 oz Orange Juice
1 oz Hazelnut Liqueur
1 oz Vodka
3 oz Cranberry Juice

Emily’s Pick: Raspberry Bellini

1 oz Chambord
3 Raspberries
Fill the glass with Champagne

Christina’s Pick: Dark Christmas

1 part Vodka
1 part Kahlua
1 part Baileys

Michele’s Pick: Gingerbread Martini

2 ounces vodka 1/2 to 1 ounce gingerbread syrup
Ginger Syrup:
3/4 cup water 3/4 cup sugar 3/4 (2-inch) piece fresh ginger, coarsely chopped 2 sticks of cinnamon 3 whole cloves
Simmer water, sugar, ginger, cloves and cinnamon stirring occasionally, until reduced to about 3/4 cup, about 15 minutes.
Pour hot syrup through a fine sieve and chill.
Let stand 20 minutes until using, so all sediment has settled to the bottom.

Please remember to drink responsibly

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Biggest Thanksgiving Entertaining Mistakes

Happy Thanksgiving

Penta wants to make sure you have an unforgettable, in a good way, Thanksgiving. We complied a list of some of the common mistakes people make when hosting a Thanksgiving get together.

1- Not defrosting your turkey/ not having your turkey prepared in time
Don't let a Thanksgiving horror story happen to you. Defrosting a 20-pound bird would be around 10 hours. Also, cook the turkey for the full time, which means you need to start cooking it early. You don’t want hungry guests.

2- Drinking to much to early
Don’t be that houseguest who has one to many glasses of wine before they even serve dinner. Pace yourself and you won’t regret it.

3- Forgetting an important ingredient
Double-check and recheck your list at the grocery store. Remember most places close on thanksgiving so if you forget to buy something you are in trouble. Also, remember all ingredients in your recipes. You don’t want to be remembered as the one who forgot to put the sugar in the pie.

4- Bringing up politics and religion after dinner
This is generally a rule of thumb for any get together. However, it’s Thanksgiving, talk about things you’re thankful for instead!

5- Not allowing yourself enough time to get ready
In the mist of setting up everything for your guest you may forget about yourself. Allow time for you to get ready and look your best.

Penta wishes you a safe and happy turkey day!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Penta Says Farewell To Fall Interns

Last night Penta said farewell to our fall interns, Sarah, Katie and Jodie. Sarah has been with Penta since the summer; Katie and Jodie joined the team in early September.

We decided to get drinks down on Stone Street and there we talked about what is ahead for these three young ladies. Whatever paths they take we know they will do wonderful and Penta wishes them all well!

All the blondes and Michele!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Things To Do With Your Family In NYC

Recently my mom came to visit me here in the city and I needed to find some cost effective and entertaining things to do. Then, Jodie informed me that her in laws were coming over from England so the two of us decided to compile a list of ideas for the best things to do with your family!

Here are some inexpensive and fun options:

1. Staten Island Ferry- FREE! That’s the best thing about this ferry, it’s free! However, the other benefits are that it runs regularly and provides one of the best views of lower Manhattan and the statue of liberty. There are also inexpensive alcoholic beverages and snack food for you to enjoy.

2. Shopping in Herald Square- Even if you are on a budget, Herald Square is a great place for window-shopping. Macy’s is located on 34th street and is a must see for people visiting New York.

3. Broadway Show- You might think that this would be expensive but if you play your cards right you can find a bargain. There is a booth in the center of Times Square called TKTS where you can get discounted tickets for later that day.

4. Central Park- Even in this cold weather, central park is a beautiful place to visit. You can pack a lunch and spend the day exploring. It is easy to get lost in the park but it is worth it.

5. The Metropolitan Museum of Art- If you family is into art or history, visiting the museum is a must. The Met is donation only and you can give whatever amount you see fit. There is also a spectacular view of Manhattan from the roof bar but drinks are a little pricey.

6.FAO Schwartz- This is the famous toyshop from Big and the infamous piano is found on the top floor. You can definitely spend some time here dressing Barbie dolls, acting like Harry Potter, and eating lots of candy. This is a fun and free activity to do.

7.Bryant Park- There is always something to do in Bryant Park and right now the ice skating rink is open and they offer free training lessons. I love the New York Public library that is on the edge of the park and recommend it to everyone.

8.Top of the Rock Observation Deck- Jodie believes this is the best view of Manhattan and s taking her in laws there tomorrow. There is a fee of $20.00 but spend the money to see the view on the top of the Rockefeller Center.

9. Comedy Club- If you are in need of a good laugh after spending all day with family, go to a comedy club. The intimate setting gives it a personal feel. There are several comedy clubs and if you go online before hand you can reserve seats and get cheaper tickets.

10. Hot Dog in Times Square- Since everyone will want to see Times Square and everyone will need to try a hot dog from a street vendor, we figured we would put them together. ENJOY!

We hope this helps you next time your family is coming to visit!

Katie & Jodie

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Reasons to Use an Event Planner

Yesterday I had a prospective client tell me that her boss doesn’t want to use an event planner. After researching the company’s event and presenting her with ideas, I could tell she felt bad about the situation. She mentioned that she was going to try to talk him into using us. As an event strategist, I want to inform our readers why they should indeed use an event planner.

Reasons why to use an event planner:

1. We can save you time and money. Penta is staffed with a team of professional event planners who have spent many years in the industry perfecting their trade. Since time is money, the typical 20% commission we charge is well worth the investment when looked at from an analytical viewpoint. Once we evaluate your needs and budget, we formulate a plan to get the job done right, meeting all of your needs, and sticking within budget.

2. Again, we can save you money. Penta has built effective relationships with venues and suppliers throughout the US giving us the ability to negotiate the best price possible. We also have access to exclusive discounts and repeat deals.

3. Through years of experience in the event industry and plenty of research, Penta has wealth of knowledge in creative concept planning. We stay on top of innovative trends which enable us to help you ‘wow’ your guests. We promise to provide a memorable experience like no other that your guests will remember for years to come.

4. We manage all aspects of the event from start to finish and everything that happens in between. This includes determining objectives, writing proposals, securing permits, negotiating contracts, developing timelines, scouting venues, selecting menus, designing décor, and hiring entertainment. We get the job done taking your needs and wants into consideration throughout the process. You can be as involved or uninvolved as you want throughout the process.

5. During the event we are there to mange and trouble-shoot any problems that may arise and the majority of the time you’ll never even know that there were any problems. Think of use as your event insurance.

6. Experience – event planning is our expertise! Ask us for references or check out our testimonials at:

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Election Night 2008

Despite the fact that I’m English I’ve been really interested in following the US Presidential Election this year – even more so since moving to New York in September - and so I was excited last night to watch the results roll in and share in a piece of history being made.

All of New York seemed to be buzzing last night –especially the bars around the East Village which were so busy by 9.00pm that we couldn’t even get into some of them! Eventually though we managed to find space at Puck Fair on Lafayette Street where we could watch the results and enjoy a few drinks too.

Everywhere we looked were big groups of people, shouting or cheering at the TV screens. I love the way that people in New York managed to turn something as simple as watching the election results into a memorable event they could share with friends and colleagues. It just goes to show that you never know where your next event idea may come from!

Don’t forget that Penta can help you plan your next event, whether it’s a post election party, holiday party or corporate event.

Penta – your event planning solution.


Today one of the interns turned 23 and we celebrated like we always do, with Crumbs. It is by far the best cupcake shop I have ever been to. Crumbs has turned into a Penta tradition on birthdays and I wish every week we had a birthday. Penta is lucky enough to have a Crumbs located right across the street or in my case unlucky because of the calories I am gaining.

Happy Birthday Sarah! Enjoy those cupcakes!

check it out!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Penta Takes On BizBash Expo

Yesterday, October 29,2008, the ladies at Penta Events had the opportunity to attend the annual BizBash Event Style Expo at the Javits Center. Two of the interns had the chance to go to the educational sessions in the morning where they learned about marketing events better. However, the fun began when we all met up on the tradeshow floor. There were over 300 exhibitors present and it took us a few hours to make the rounds. Next time we go to this expo, we will surely come hungry. Most catering booths had free samples of their delicious specialty and other booths had candy or wine. Some of our favorites included Dale and Thomas Popcorn, where they handed out bags of amazing popcorn, Godiva Chocolate, Winefellows, SParty, and New York Photobooth, where we took a very cute picture.

We learned about the future of event planning and how to take something ordinary and make it extraordinary at the afternoon session. All in all, the day was filled with excitement and Penta walked away with great contacts and lots of ideas for future events. Penta is ready to plan your next event!

Penta-Your Event Planning Solution

Monday, October 27, 2008

Top 10 Last Minute Halloween Costumes

Don't let Halloween sneak up on you! If you want a unique costume but are stuck for ideas, Penta is here to help. We came up with our 10 favorite fast, simple, and inexpensive Halloween costume ideas…

1. Twister board
This easy to do costume involves buying the game twister and making a dress out of the game board. You can Velcro it together at the back and pin it so it stays tight. All night you can ask people to spin the wheel that comes with the board and see if they can play the game on you. You can be as creative as you want with your outfit; accessorize with your shoes, earrings, and bag. It’s a cute and inexpensive way to have a few laughs.

2. Chick Magnet
The easiest way to do this is to wear an all black shirt and buy peeps or rubber chicks and glue them to the shirt. Simple as that- you’re a chick magnet!

3. Amy Winehouse
Anyone can do this costume, it’s quite effortless actually. All you need is a lot of hairspray and eyeliner. Just wear your hair in a beehive, some old raggedy clothing, and millions of fake tattoos; you don’t even need to wear shoes. Everyone will surely recognize you as Amy Winehouse.

4. American Tourist
Probably one of the easiest costumes to pull together, just think of your most embarrassing relative on that last family vacation and dress up as them! Wear a Hawaiian shirt, shorts, socks and sandals, maybe even a straw hat and don’t forget your fanny pack, the camera around your neck and a map. If you want to be a little more creative use makeup and give yourself a bad sunburn.

5. Ugly Betty
Take out all the bright clothing in your closet and piece it together to make an Ugly Betty costume. Use eyeliner to fill in your brows and get a cheap pair of glasses to add to the look. This is the one night you can try to look ugly and get away with it.

6. Static
Going as static can be tough because everyone might cling to you! Wear a solid color and safety pin socks, underwear, dryer sheets, and anything else you can think of to you. It is also a good idea to wear your hair messed up.

7. Cereal Killer
If you have the supplies this is a really quick costume to put together. All you need is little cereal boxes pinned or taped to you, cut slits down the middle and glue plastic knives on top, you can drip red paint down from the slits. Make it your own by adding an empty milk carton somewhere or use a bowl as a hat.

8. Kissing Booth
Write “Kisses only $1” on your shirt and use a cardboard box and cut out a “booth” for your head. You might actually make some money on Halloween with this costume!

9. Ketchup & Mustard
If you and your friend want to do something together that’s easy and inexpensive, this is it! One of you dress in all red and write ketchup on your shirt, one of you dress in all yellow and write mustard on your shirt. This is very simple and costs almost nothing.

10. Partly cloudy with a chance of rain
Get a cheap pair of doctor’s scrubs and glue cotton balls all over them. Bring a squirt gun out with you and there you have it! So simple yet so original!

Happy Halloween from the ladies at Penta Events- Your Event Planning Solutions

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Mini Dance Lesson

Penta Dynamic Solutions can ensure you have an unforgettable event; however, dancing at that event is not something that Penta typically helps out with…until now.
Amazing intern Katie teaches how to learn to dance in under a minute-
“Spell your name in cursive with your hips”

That’s right! Put your hands on your hips, turn on your favorite song & start spelling!

You will be dancing along to any music in no time. Thanks Katie!
Penta – your every event solution!!

Penta Happy Hour

Last night the lovely ladies of Penta enjoyed a few cocktails at Mad Dog and Beans on Stone Street. This was the first time all six of us could do happy hour and we definitely had a lot to talk about from Michele’s wedding, relationships, to living to New York City.

It’s always a good time when we’re all get together!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Golf Outing A Success!

On October 6, 2008 Penta Cares Second Annual Golf Outing took place at Lido Beach Golf Course. I had the opportunity to run the 50/50 with my colleague, Jodie, on hole 17. Barefoot Wines shared this hole with us and it was a riot watching the golfer golf barefoot for a prize. The sun even came out to support the golf outing, which was great because it could have been a rainy and cold day! I had a fabulous time getting to know the wide array of golfers there and heard only good things from everyone at the event.

The evening entertainment kicked-off with a cocktail reception featuring a performance the Knicks City Dancers and music by NYU entertainment. Guests enjoyed a fabulous dinner with wine sponsored by Barefoot Wine. Following dinner, comedian Jeremy Schetcher gave a hilarious performance. I have been involved in charity events before but never have I seen a group enjoy themselves like this. Almost everyone was on the dance floor by the end of the night, including myself. The DJ, NYU entertainment, was wonderful and played a great selection of music for all ages to enjoy. We also had a phenomenal photographer, Ryan Mekenian, who took some great shots of the event. For more event photos you can visit:

Before dinner, this year’s honoree 6 year old Nicole Sciarrino spoke. I know I was brought to tears when she talked about the struggles she faces with diabetes. It was great to see this little girl have so much life in her, it made every hour spent putting the golf outing together worth it.

At any charity event the raffle and auction prizes bring in extra money to help support the cause. Thanks to the community and help of others, Penta had over 50 raffle prizes donated. The guests were very impressed with the prizes available to them. We were happy with how the auction and raffle turned out and the amount of raffle tickets sold.

Being new to Penta and New York City, I was pleasantly surprised with how much money was raised to support this amazing cause. In this economy it was hard to tell if Penta could have made any money for the American Diabetes Association, let alone the $36,000 that we raised. Michele and Christina worked very hard to make this event possible and it was a huge success.

Katie Kent

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Swing Into The Good Life!

Last Wednesday we helped run the American Diabetes Association’s “Live the Good Life” Silent Auction to help raise funds for diabetes research, education, and advocacy.

The auction, sponsored by Weil, Gotshal and Manges at their amazing offices on Fifth Avenue, included over fifty items ranging from beautiful jewelry to a Sonoma Wine Extravaganza package, autographed pictures from Derek Jeter, Michael Phelps and Eli Manning, a NASCAR Racing package and a 2008 NFL Pro Bowl autographed football.

Despite the Wall Street crisis and the problems at Lehman Brothers, over 75 people came out to support the auction and helped to raise $3,500 for the ADA. Guests enjoyed catered food and complimentary drinks. The event was nicely organized and everyone in attendance had a lovely evening.

The auction is one of two wrap around events Penta is helping organizing to raise money for this important charity and leading up to the “Live the Good Life” Gala at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel on November 6th. The second event is the Penta Cares Second Annual Charity Golf Outing at Lido Golf Club in Long Island on October 6th. The event will include an 11am shotgun start followed by a cocktail hour and a dinner reception with awards, raffles, silent auction, and a performance by the Knicks City Dancers!

If you are interested in playing in the Golf Outing please register at

Thursday, September 25, 2008

It's Time to Plan Your Corporate Holiday Party!

Penta Events understands the importance of creating an unforgettable party - events which require creativity, precise planning, unique entertainment and more!

With the holidays approaching and Wall Street in crisis, many people and companies are cutting back on their party budgets. At Penta, we value a good time, regardless of its cost so we'll work diligently with our clients to produce the greatest affairs that fit within their budgets. From intimate corporate lunches and dinners to lavish galas, Penta can make it happen!

Penta is your event planning solution!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Midwest girl comes to intern at Penta!

I came to New York City in 2003 to cheer in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade and fell in love with this city. I knew then that I wanted to move to NYC after college and I looked forward to the day I could do that. Well, it’s that day! I am here! Coming from Springfield, Illinois, New York is like a different world. New York has so much life and opportunity for people. I am really excited, nervous, anxious, pretty much every emotion about moving to NYC.

I found Penta Events on, a website devoted to helping you plan your party, when I interviewed with Michelle and Christina I actually had mono. I was not sure if they could understand what I said since my throat was so sore but I ended up getting the internship. My excitement about moving to NYC shortly turned into panic. I had no clue what I was getting into when it came to looking for apartments.

My friends from camp, I work at a summer camp in upstate NY, told me not to worry I could find a place on criagslist. I started my search for a place in April. I am still homeless! Thankfully I can stay with friends until I find something. Craigslist is the new facebook for me. My whole problem is I can not commit to a long term lease, who knows where I will be in three months. I just hope that something goes my way soon!!!

Another simple thing that I forgot how to do was make friends. Yes, it’s true, I forgot! I always had a group of friends I ran around with in Illinois. If I ever did something new, one of them did it with me. In college I quickly joined a sorority and made friends through that and then when I started working at camp I was practically forced to make friends fast because you work, eat, and sleep with the same people. I have always considered myself outgoing but now that I am here I am finding it extremely difficult to make new friends, especially with girls. It’s not like you can just go up to a group of girls and say “want to hang out.” I know with time I will meet people who I can call up to do things but until then I’ll just craigslist apartments.

I really wanted to experience NYC in the eyes of a true New Yorker, but that is hard to do when you are constantly getting lost. I feel like such an idiot when I’m walking around aimlessly looking for a street that I might recognize. On my second day of work, a commute that should have taken 10 minutes ended up taking 45 because I had no clue what I was doing. I even used the GPS on my phone, still got lost! I totally try to act like I know where I am going but everyone knows I don’t.

When I finally figure out the subway system I want to see as much as I can while I am here and I’ve starting researching all the touristy stuff to do on the weekends. I just need a place to live in the Manhattan and friends and I’ll be set! I really think NYC is going to allow me to grow as an event planner and as a person. Penta is such an amazing company to work for, Michelle and Christina really do a fabulous job with event coordinating and it is obvious they are ready to take their business to the next level. I know I am going to learn so much for this internship and this city!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Delicatessen - Restaurant Review

I have walked by 54 Prince Street several times while this exciting new eatery was under construction and have been excited to try it out since it opened. Last night, I finally made my way to Soho to experience Delicatessen. I usually stay away from eating late at night but I could not help myself. The place was packed & had a 30-minute wait to be seated in the main level room but the hostess told me there were two additional rooms downstairs.
One room downstairs was a glass-enclosed courtyard and the other had wall decorations of empty glass bottles, salt & pepper shakers and a bar centered along the back wall.

I intended to just stay downstairs for a drink & appetizers but loved the atmosphere so never wound up moving upstairs. I kept thinking to myself about how amazing it’d be to host events in this location- private parties, corporate events, birthdays, anything & everything.

I ordered the Halibut Tacos; they were in a crispy shell with spicy sauce and were great. My boyfriend has cheeseburger spring rolls. The idea was so unique that I grew to love the place even more. However, I have to say the most delicious part of the night was dessert- my boyfriend ordered Ovaltine Pudding Parfait since the waitress recommended it & I opted for the Smores. I really was skeptical about the pudding parfait but that turned out to be a good choice, but mine was outstanding. I barely finished half of it because I was full but I will definitely go back for more & recommend you to head to Soho to experience it for yourself.

The owners of Delicatessen are the same owners as Cafeteria, which is in Chelsea. The waitress also let me in on a secret- they are opening a Mac & Cheese bar with 10-20 different types of Mac & Cheese. Wow! I was speechless.

Check it out for yourself while the weather is still nice & they have the main seating area, which has floor to ceiling glass windows, completely open.
Penta will definitely keep this new hotspot in mind when planning holiday parties & events.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

eFavor Mart

While planning yet another exciting event, Penta discovered and placed an order for some party goods. What a mistake! Everything seemed to be going well until we received a tracking number from UPS for a package that was scheduled for pickup but never actually picked up. Looking into the problem was an adventure full of frustration & occasional laughter. has no listed phone number & the one found on the Internet just ended up going to a voicemail, which no one returns calls from. However, there was an online chat feature available as their only form of communication. I don’t think anyone was actually worried until the customer service representative said “Please do not worry. Your package will arrive on time.” Perhaps, the consumer complaints we discovered AFTER placing the order didn’t make us feel any better either.

Numerous online chats went by with someone who refuses to speak with you on the phone or to give you any additional information, we had nothing left to do but to wait and hope the package actually arrives. Surprisingly it did and was on time, but the time & energy we spent on the package tracking is not something we can ever get back. So beware of the website or Ya-Ya Creations next time you party planning. Your best bet though is, of course, to contact Penta Events so we can deal with all the details for you and for your party to be stress-free.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The World of Corporate Travel

A friend of mine, Random Randee Bassen, recently transitioned into a new position in the travel industry and asked to share her story on the Penta Blog. Of course we welcomed this idea and here is her entry...

About 3 months ago I changed careers from the world of lead generation/data sales for infoUSA to corporate travel sales for JourneyCorp Travel Management. Prior to joining the travel industry, I was unaware of the intricacies of corporate travel, i.e. adhering company policy mandates, vendor negotiations, VIP travel, etc. and the many ways the industry fights to adhere to the demands of our savvy travel clientele: high end retailers, demanding finance executives and penny particular yet wealthy insurance agencies. The personnel our agents deal with want to get the best price for the least amount of money and always, always want to travel with convenience and in luxury. Five years ago this was easy, today everyone is a penny pincher and it's not so easy anymore to trust just anyone with your money.

So, we come to a fork in the road where we have to decide if its time to change the way things are done or keep them exactly where they are until the bubble in the market bursts. This is where I come into play. Do I stay in a job that is comfortable or do I switch into the volatile travel industry? What is happening to this industry? Laptops are now being seized at airports, to check 1 bag is now an extra fee, only small liquids can be carried onboard (which limits the in take of Keils and Sephora products), extra costs for blankets and pillows, extra pricing for aisle seats, etc. Continental is dropping corporate relationships to cater towards the consumer market, but who are these consumers? I'll tell you who -- the airline executives, the comfortable and rich people, the consumers who buy insurance, who buy high end retail and invest in hedge funds and stocks while they are low. I finally realized if your spending hundred's of thousand's of dollars, if not millions on travel, this market is yours, this market is ours.

American Express and every other public corporation is outsourcing to call centers in India or middle America where things are just not "New York City", where rent isn't reaching its highest peak-where people still travel post 911 without a flinch. Invest while you can! Fly while you can, with discounts! Get attention now because when the market picks back up, the focus isn't going to be on saving your dollar, its going to be on spending your dollar. So I finally realized that these fashion, finance and insurance executives want me, want JourneyCorp. They want to know that now they can pay for coach yet sit in first class, be invited to Airport VIP lounges, and demand higher discounts from us because if it weren't for them, we wouldn't have a business and if it weren't for us, the airlines wouldn't have a business.

Now CFO's are first zeroing in on software that tracks every dime spent on t&e (, online booking tools that cost half as much as voice booking (, and meeting with me! So, if your company wants attention from the 4th largest corporate travel agency in America that focus's on you, your customer service (yes, we also do book personal travel for our corporate clients), if your company wants to keep its prestige, to be avant-garde and run with the Trumps (yes they use our services), and if you're ready for what's best, then we are ready for you.

And now from her co-worker's point-of-view. Here's Laura Zaremba's outlook...

I started working in the travel industry in 1985, first for a mega agency and the last 16 years with JourneyCorp. I got into the industry because I loved to travel. I remember the days when people used to get dressed up to fly and flying was considered a luxury. The industry has undergone dramatic changes through the years, including deregulation, airlines eliminating commissions to agencies, reduction in travel and enhanced security measures following 9/11, people booking their own travel on the internet, difficult economies and sky-high fuel prices.

In response to these challenges, JourneyCorp has become more proactive and nimble with our business strategies. We operate more efficiently. We embraced on-line technology – both for reservations and management reporting, and, when thousands of agencies folded, JourneyCorp grew to be one of the largest and most-respected travel management firms in the nation. One thing I know for sure, change will always happen and you have to learn to adapt. So kick off your shoes with glee when you're going through security, traveling has never been safer. We're a resilient industry and a resilient nation. Yes airfares are on the rise, but the traveling public has been spoiled for years by unrealistically low fares. Fortunately, JourneyCorp maintains formidable buying power with industry vendors and is able to continue to pass on deeply discounted rates to our clients.

Look for The Penta Cares Charity Golf Outing ad in September's issue of Long Island Pulse Magazine. Thanks to Kristin Aytona for creating it and to Long Island Pulse for sponsoring it.

If you haven't registered for the event yet, make sure you do at: And if you can't attend, feel free to make a donation.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Dance With Me

In the past few years ballroom dancing has become increasingly popular and that is in large part due to the ABC reality hit “Dancing with the Stars”. Just like most of America, I am a huge fan of the show and never miss an episode. Another thing that I’m sure of is that I’m just one of thousands of women that have fallen in love with a certain professional ballroom dancer named Maksim Chmerkovskiy. Since the first time I saw the show I knew that I would one day like to take a dance lesson with him and this summer that actually came true. It all happened because intern Sarah let me know that Maks has two studios called Dance With Me- one in Glen Head, NY and the other in Ridgefield, NJ. As soon as I found out that the dance studios were so close to Manhattan, I decided that I needed to go pick up some new dance moves and got myself a private lesson.

When the day came that I had to go to the private dance lesson with Maksim, I was a nervous wreck because I hadn’t done any dancing in about five years and was about to learn from a ballroom champion. Another thing that I am ashamed to admit is that I’m from Argentina and have no clue how to dance any type of Latin dance. On the show Dancing with the Stars they had always depicted him as arrogant, which added to my nervousness, but the second that I met him I realized he is not arrogant at all and a real sweetheart. As soon as the lesson started I began to relax and feel more at ease because he made me feel very comfortable by joking around a little about my past dance experiences and the fact that I shouldn’t call my self Argentine until I know how to dance the tango. I ended up learning a little Salsa and the Mambo, and to my surprise I was actually keeping up with all the steps and even doing some spins. The whole experience was so much fun and once it was over, I wanted to do it all over again. Since that lesson with Maks, I have been back for more lessons with another instructor named Clyde, who is also extremely talented, just like the rest of the staff, and the manager Eugene, is attentive to the students’ schedules and dancing goals. Everyone at the studio makes it an amazing experience. I recommend going to take lessons and workshops if the dance studios are near you. Even if they are far, make sure to make the trip to one of the two when in the NYC area. In the meantime you can look for studios in your area because ballroom dancing is a great way to exercise and have fun at the same time.

Besides being a great atmosphere and place to dance, Dance With Me in Glen Head is getting involved in our charity golf outing benefiting the American Diabetes Association, by donating lessons, a gift basket, and perhaps even coming out to golf!

For more info about the golf outing visit
Also check out Dance With Me online at

Maks with partner Melanie Brown from the Spice Girls on Dancing with the Stars Season 5.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

We are hiring!

We are looking for an entry-level event coordinator assistant to join our growing team. Assistant will support the President and Director of Business Development, as well as assist in planning and executing events and fundraisers.

Primary Role
Administrative Assistant
o Assume receptionist duties, answer phone, route calls, and take messages.
o Assist with completion of necessary reports as requested.
o Distribute incoming mail and prepare outgoing mail.
o Arrange meetings, prepare agendas and take minutes at team meetings.
o Support business development through Internet research
o Assist staff with administrative duties as requested

Association Management (manage the day to day operations of non-profit associations)
o Learn about the various associations we manage
o Respond to emails and handle Board Member requests
o Manage memberships
o Process payments via credit card and check

Event Planning
o Event registration and preparation of event packets
o On-site support and trouble-shooting at events

Secondary Role
Junior Event Planner
o Research venues and vendors for events
o Conceptualize unique event ideas
o Attend meetings to pitch event ideas to existing and prospective clients

Key attributes for the new hire include:
o Excellent verbal and written communication skills
o Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Adobe Illustrator proficient. PhotoShop a plus
o Ability to take direction and complete tasks upon request
o Ability to work independently and as a team in a small office environment.
o Organized with the ability to set tasks and meet deadlines
o Social and friendly attitude
o A go-getter with a positive attitude and tough skin
o Must have an entrepreneurial mindset

As you can see from our website, we are a small firm looking to expand and grow. We're looking for the right person to grow with us. Because the firm is small, personality and a connection at the interview is very important.

To apply, please email your resume and coverletter to Christina Weber at

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Single in the City?

There is a way to find love & Penta is here to help!

Penta will be hosting its first speed dating event on Monday, August 18th at 7:30 pm. The event will be held at a favorite new bistro of ours- Prespa for ages 27-39.

184 Lexington Avenue
Between 31st and 32nd

Join us for free appetizers, drink specials, promotional giveaways, a great time & up to 12 mini dates!
Hey, you never know, Cupid’s arrow might strike!

For more information, contact us at

Friday, July 18, 2008

Happy Hour at The Town Tavern

Yesterday we gathered with some friends at the Town Tavern for happy hour. Free drinks are always a plus. Thanks to everyone who came out!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A Review: Prespa & Fresco on the Go

Lately, daydreaming about vacationing on a Mediterranean island has become an everyday occurrence for me and hot, humid summer days in Manhattan are more of the reality. However, a few days ago I was lucky to find an amazing compromise- Prespa. Prespa is a Mediterranean Bistro with terrific food, great music, helpful staff, unique décor, a private room available on a separate floor and outdoor dining on Lexington Ave that makes you feel like you are in a foreign villa. Penta Events looks forward to planning some holiday parties, corporate gatherings and events at this restaurant. Visit:

I thought that after Prespa, I was on a lucky streak with finding new restaurants and was excited to notice Fresco on the Go, which just opened on Pearl Street. On its first day, I ventured inside to buy lunch. The beautiful interior left me wanting to buy a little bit of everything- sandwiches, pizza, salad, smoothies, pasta and more. There were too many options and in attempt to save time, I chose salad. I ran back to the office, eager to try my new salad and let everyone at Penta know about my discovery but I was disappointed with my lunch. I think I will give Fresco another try but will definitely stay away from the salad next time. Check them out online:

Can’t wait for tomorrow- it’s Christmas in July! Maybe it will snow.
Probably not, but you never know- at Penta Events, anything is possible!


Monday, July 14, 2008

Christmas in July at The Town Tavern

By Carolina Tijman

Come join the ladies of Penta Events in celebrating Christmas in July at The Town Tavern located at 134 West 3rd Street! The happy hour is from 6:30PM till 7:30PM. All guests will receive free draft beer and wine for an hour, so don’t be late! Bring a gift for a child (toy, learning tool, book etc.) and receive a complementary burger! Hope to see all of you out Thursday!
Visit more information.

If you can’t make it out to happy hour with us, here are some drink ideas with holiday cheer:

Christmas In The Tropics
2 oz Captain Morgan® Parrot Bay coconut rum
6 oz eggnog

Pour the Captain Morgan Parrot Bay coconut rum into a cup, then pour in the eggnog after. Stir it around a bit to mix it together, and serve.

Christmas Martini
3 oz gin
1/2 oz dry vermouth
1 tsp peppermint schnapps

Pour the gin, dry vermouth and peppermint schnapps into a cocktail shaker half-filled with cracked ice. Shake well, and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a candy cane, and serve.

Christmas Elf's Revenge recipe
2 oz Luxardo® white sambuca
1 oz Goldschlager® cinnamon schnapps
1 oz apple schnapps
20 ml ginger syrup
90 ml apple juice
1-inch cube ginger root
1 pinch cinnamon powder

Crush the ginger root and add the ginger syrup, apple juice, sambuca and schnapps. Shake well and strain into a pina colada glass, which should be about half full of crushed ice. Add the goldschlager then sprinkle the cinnamon powder over the top. Serve with a slice of apple floating on the top, and a straw.

All recipes from

Bigger Isn't Always Better

A recent article in Special Events magazine titled Sweet Talk by Christine Landry caught my attention. The article discusses one of the latest trend when it comes to dessert, make the the desserts small and make lots of them.

Check out the article for yourself:

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Going Green

By Erica Finkelstein

“From everyday collection to environmental protection, Think Green”. It can be agreed that this motto of Waste Management has going green in the back of everyone’s minds these days. For instance, the bottle of Poland Spring water on my desk right now has a new look and feel to it. The company redesigned it using an average of 30% less plastic in order for it to be easier on the environment.

The event planning industry has joined in with these efforts to become environmentally friendly.

The Association for Green Meeting & Events will launch the first-ever program for Certification in Green Meetings and Events this August in Long Beach, California. The company intends to help people plan socially and environmentally successful events, reports Michael O’Connell of BizBash.

AGME explains that green meetings are performed in ways to reduce the environmental burdens imposed by such activities.

Recently, Penta Dynamic Solutions helped the Contingency Planning Exchange (CPE) go green at its last meeting. We made all information accessible to the members via the internet instead of handing out hard copies. By doing so, we saved some trees!

Going green is really simple; to start take baby steps.

Ten Easy Ways to Go Green Today
  1. Use a mug for your morning coffee or tea
  2. Turn off the lights when you're leaving any room for 15 minutes or more and make use of natural light when you can
  3. Try to make it a habit to always turn off your computer when you are not using it. Also, setting your computer to go to sleep automatically during short breaks can cut energy use by 70 percent
  4. Print on both sides and use the back side of old documents for faxes, scrap paper, or drafts
  6. Brighten up your cubicle with plants, which absorb indoor pollution
  7. Make it a habit to take the train, bus, or subway when feasible instead of a rental car when traveling on business
  8. Purchase office supplies and furniture made from recycled materials
  9. Make the internet your primary means of communication
  10. Refill ink cartridges instead of buying new ones each time they run out

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

4th of July Plans

It just dawned on me that July has officially begun and everyone around me seems to be getting ready for the 4th of July weekend but I don’t have any plans.

Hi, I’m an intern at Penta Events. I grew up in the NYC area but I have never been around during this time of year to experience the spectacular fireworks. This year, I vowed to stay in New York City for July 4th but the weekend is just days away and I still haven’t finalized my plans.

I narrowed down my options but making a decision is not something I can do alone, as I normally tend to keep coming up with more ideas instead of concentrating on one. I would be the perfect example of someone who would need to hire Penta Events for any sort of party planning; otherwise I would find myself hosting some sort of insanely tacky affair with an infinite amount of clashing themes.

My first idea was to host a pool party and so I began to research online. Logged in to my computer, signed onto the best site ever- GOOGLE, and within seconds had tons of information at my disposal. On, I found the Ahh-Qua Floating Pool Bar, a bar that literally floats with room for 4 people. This intrigued me, obviously, so I started to look into drinks for my party. I came across a Drink Calculator on which helps determine how much alcohol to buy depending on the length of the party, the type of alcohol and the number of guests. Genius! Of course, the red, white & blue Jell-O shots and Mojito recipes really helped me get an idea of what my party would be like!

At the same time, I read about a July 4th Festival on Water Street filled with vendors, international food, Chinese pottery and more. Being that I am a sucker for those sorts of things (where I tend to spend more money then any of my friends), I was quickly drawn to a day near the Seaport, shopping, wrapped up by Macy’s fireworks.

But wait! There is also the Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest, which is held at Coney Island. I am a vegetarian so participating is not an option, but I’d love to witness people sitting in 100 degree weather competing over who can eat more meat wrapped up in buns.

NYC is incredible and the choices are endless! I will probably wind up deciding on Friday, July 4th what I am doing but I’m certain I won’t be disappointed.

Oh yeah, and the SPF will be part of all of my plans because the lobster look just doesn’t work for me. That is, unless it rains (yay umbrellas) but I am staying positive and hope the weather channel made a mistake.

Till next time!
Have a great weekend!!


6 ounces light rum
12 mint sprigs, or spearmint,8 roughly broken apart
6 tablespoons fresh lime juice
4 tablespoons sugar
Club soda
4 slices lime

Place ice in beverage shaker then add in the rum, 8 broken up mint sprigs, lime juice and sugar.
Shake well and serve over ice in a high ball glass.
Top off each glass with a splash of club soda.
Garnish each with a slice of lime and a sprig of mint.
*Recipe Courtesy the Food Network,1977,FOOD_9936_17225,00.html

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Macy's Fireworks July 4th

Each July 4th Macy’s hosts the largest fireworks display in the world. Beginning at 9 PM over 20,000 aerial shells and special effects will take to the sky from three locations in the city.

Best Places to View the Fireworks

East River in Midtown Manhattan

South Street Seaport
Fireworks can be seen from anywhere south of the Brooklyn Bridge with an unobstructed view.

Liberty State Park, Jersey City
For more information visit:

Roosevelt Island
For $20 watch the fireworks from Roosevelt Island. Enjoy music, face painting and entertainment before the fireworks start. Dinosaur BBQ will be selling food and non-alcoholic beverages. Chairs will be provided for all ticket holders, so no need to bring your own. For more information visit:

Choose your vessel, cruise ship, personal or water taxi. On the East River stay south of the Willamsburg Bridge or north of Roosevelt Island’s southern tip. For more information call Macy’s Marine Hotline at (212) 494.5247.

In Front of Your TV
Can’t make it out? Or having a backyard BBQ? NBC will be televising the fireworks nationally. Check your local listings for times.

For more information call Macy’s Hotline at (212) 494.4495

Happy Independence Day!!!

Penta Cares Second Annual Charity Golf Outing

By Carolina Tigman - Intern

Last year we developed a philanthropic division of our company called Penta Cares. The mission of Penta Cares is to partner with non-profit organizations to raise funds and awareness through events for worthy causes at no cost to the charity. Teaming up with the American Diabetes Association, we hosted The Penta Cares First Annual Charity Golf Outing and this year we are doing it again.

On October 6, 2008 we will host our Second Annual Charity Golf Outing with proceeds benefiting the American Diabetes Association in honor of Nicole Sciarrino. The event will take place at Lido Golf Club in Lido Beach, NY. The 11 am shotgun start will be followed by a cocktail hour, silent auction, 50/50 raffle, dinner, awards reception and entertainment. The success of the golf outing depends heavily on the support of companies and organizations throughout the New York area, as well as the professional golfers in attendance. Last year’s event raised over $40,000 and brought in over 200 attendees, donors, and corporate sponsors. This is a great opportunity for any company or individual to help support a worthy cause.

Nicole is an adorable 5 year-old from Manhasset, NY. She was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes just a few weeks before her second birthday. Life with diabetes has not been easy for her, but her positive attitude keeps her going.

We are eagerly looking forward to this year's outing and are hoping to double the amount raised last year. We already have numerous supporters from the community and our hope for this year will surely be a success.

Please check out the full event details at:

Monday, April 28, 2008


Upcoming Event: May 3rd - COCKTAILS FOR A CAUSE!

Join us for an evening of fun, food and drinks as we raise money for a child in need, Christian Stieler.

Christian is a bright-eyed 13 year-old boy who contracted a degenerative blood disorder shortly after birth. This infection spawned a growing war between Christian’s body and his kidneys making him have to go through a kidney transplant at a very young age. Christian was able to get a transplant early on but, after 11 years with his new kidney, it is now in a state of decline. For years, Christian has been in and out of hospitals experiencing symptoms stemming from issue with his kidneys and without another transplant, it will only continue.

All things considered, Christian has been able to live and maintain a normal childhood. He loves going to Yankee stadium, has a lot of friends, loves video games and making fun of his dad whenever he gets the chance. However, as time went on, he realized that he wasn’t growing as fast as the other kids in his Brooklyn neighborhood.

Over the years, medical expenses have been building and now Christian is in need of another kidney transplant.

Let's come together to help Christian and the Stieler family in their time of need.

Saturday, May 3, 2008
The Town Tavern
134 West 3rd Street
New York, NY
6:00-9:00 PM

Open Bar and Hors d’oeuvres
Performance by Comedian Jeremy Schachter
50/50 Raffle & Auction

$75 per person in advance
$100 at the door

Purchase Tickets at

Please forward along to friends and colleagues. The more the merrier.
If you are unable to make it, feel free to make an online donation.
We are also accepting raffle prize contributions!